Chasing the moon: how to use the lunar energy for successful endeavors & rituals

Since the dawn of time, humans have tracked the cycles of the moon as a way to figure out the correct timing for all kinds of farming, fertility, and abundance rituals.    

 As the satellite of the Earth, the moon is the closest celestial body to us and therefore, she functions as the link connector to other planets. In other words, she will transmit the energy of the planets she is making connections with at any given moment; and knowing this is extremely important when it comes to timing any kind of ritual. 

 The reason that I am writing this blog is because in the spiritual community, I have noticed the misconception that all new moons and all full moons are equal. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, every single new moon as well as full moon is different, not only because of the different sign the moon is in at that given time, but also because of the planets the moon is connecting to at the moment of being either new or full.  

 There is the misconception that all new moons are good for new beginnings, and that all full moons are ideal times for rituals. In general, new moons are good to begin new things and plant the seed of intention. And full moons are good for releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us, since they are times of culmination. 

 However, this assumption goes without taking into consideration whether the moon is well-angled or not to other planets. This is how astrologers differ from a moon “well-aspected” to a moon “badly-aspected.” And the reason why it’s so important to know this is because when doing a ritual, it will not only carry the flavor of the sign the moon is in, but also the signature of the planets the moon is connecting with at that given time.  

 So for example, let’s say there will be a new moon in Taurus, which is her favorite place to be in. For sure, it’s in this earth and feminine sign where the moon’s nurturing and giving powers work at their best. But at the end of the day, it’s the astrological aspects this moon is making to other planets what will give her the final energetic signature. 

Glamour. Painting made during Neptune’s stationing retrograde on June 22.

Glamour. Painting made during Neptune’s stationing retrograde on June 22.


Let’s say this moon is forming a trine to task-master Saturn. Because the trine is a positive aspect, and Saturn is a planet that helps us build and take ownership of our lives, this energy would be perfect to begin a new endeavor or plant the seed of intention through a ritual. 

But let’s say that instead of forming a trine to Saturn, she is squaring Saturn. Since the square is an aspect of tension, this new moon would be less than an ideal time to start a new endeavor and even planting that seed. With Saturn against us, we would be opening the door to blocks, limitations, and all sorts of obstacles. When it comes to energetic principles, instead of setting ourselves up for success, we would be setting ourselves up for failure. And this is why it is so important to know which aspects any new or full moon is making at any given time; especially if we are trying to attract cosmic blessing to our endeavors. It’s all about timing!  

As mysterious as she is, the moon’s journey offers us a portal by helping us access the influence of other planets. But don’t worry, I got your back. Below are the aspects to avoid as well as the aspects to work with: 

Avoid a square, opposition, or quincunx aspect to Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Work with a square to Venus and Jupiter. Since both planets are “benefic” in nature, they can actually help us succeed even through a negative aspect.  

Also, work with a trine or sextile to all of the planets mentioned above. The trine aspect is positive and helps the energy flow easily. The sextile is also positive but more than anything, it brings opportunity and opens doors. 

If you want to go even further, try incorporating the flavor of that particular planet into your ritual. For example, let’s say a full moon is forming a sextile to Neptune. Since Neptune relates to vision boards, water, dreams, and art, incorporating those elements into your ritual will help you attract the highest vibration of Neptune. 

 If you are seriously interested in using astrology to enhance your life, I offer consultations that can help you pick the right date to begin an important project or even relationship. By using Electional Astrology, I will make sure that date also works with your chart to make sure you have the power of the planets at your disposal. 


 With stellar affection,



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