My Journey

Born on 11/11 in Mexico City, deep inside I always knew my journey was one to become spiritual as I came to this world to help people—something that was quickly reaffirmed when I received my first astrology reading as a teen. The path to get there, however, was not going to be easy, as it would require a lot of self-reflection, and especially healing—many different types of it.

After being put face-to-face with death and losing so many of my dear family members, I decided to move to the city of San Francisco, where I would be, for many years, searching for answers. It wasn’t until I found mysticism that this soul-searching began to take form. Becoming a spirituality editor and content creator put me in touch with art forms like astrology, Reiki, moon rituals, Tarot, and eventually painting. And I have expressed that this was the time I began to truly find and know myself as a guide, a healer, and a creator.


My Astrological Journey

By giving me context and awareness, astrology has given me my most healing moments, and it is in this labor of love that I find myself living in true happiness—when I am guiding others through the enchanting journey towards self-knowledge as we both, together, connect with the magic the stars have to offer.


My Artistic Journey

 I found my way to painting through astrology. As someone who never attended art school, when I began to study my birth chart, I realized there were not one, but many clues pointing to immense creative potential. Every single day, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to explore this part of myself that otherwise would have remained unknown.  
