2020 retrogrades: the call to go within

This past week, three planets started their retrograde cycles back to back, which is actually a pretty rare occurrence. However, it’s important to note that some retrogrades are more important than others, so let’s begin by understanding this concept all-together.


What is retrograde motion?

Astronomically speaking, retrograde motion refers to the optical illusion of planets appearing to move backwards in the sky due to their difference in speed. So, in other words, these planets are not moving back, they just seem to be doing it from our perspective here on Earth.

But don’t let the word “appearance” fool you. This difference in speed does change the effects planets have, especially when it comes to the planets that are closest to us.

Astrologically speaking, this change in speed means that all the areas ruled by this planet will be going through an “out of the ordinary” phase also. So, for example, since Mercury rules communication, commerce, thinking, and speaking, every time it goes retrograde—which occurs three times a year—those areas of our life behave differently.


The two types of retrogrades

 There are two types of retrogrades: the natal planets and non-natal planets.

The natal planets are the ones closes to Earth: Mercury, Venus, and Mars; and the rest being Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

Because the natal planets are closer to both, the Sun as well as Earth, their retrograde loops are shorter, and their effects are felt intensely here on Earth. The retrogrades of the non-natal planets are longer and their effects are slower and can only be felt over a long period of time.

Storm. Painting made under the shockingly creative Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 30!

Storm. Painting made under the shockingly creative Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 30!


So, which retrogrades should you care more about? 

The answer is: you should pay more attention to the retrogrades of the natal planets because you will most likely be affected by those more.

In the case of Mercury, every time it goes retrograde, you know communication and commerce will be affected, meaning that you should pay attention to the way you interact with people and sign important documents. By the way, Mercury will be retrograde two more times this year, both in water signs: June 18 to July 12 in Cancer and October 14 to November 3 in Scorpio.

In the case of Venus, she only retrogrades every 18 months, and she is now retrograde in the dual, mutable sign of Gemini. Venus rules pleasure, love, money, and art; so, expect all those areas of life to behave differently from now until June 25.

In the case of Mars, it retrogrades every two years, with its next retrograde being this fall. This is set to be a very intense retrograde, by the way. Mars rules aggression, anger, and drive. So again, expect to experience anger from other people, as well as your repressed anger to come up to the surface from September 9 to November 12.

But hey, retrogrades are not as bad as they sound, I promise. There are three main reasons why retrogrades affect some of us more than others.

  1. They are touching a natal planet or point in your chart—asking you to revise how you are using that planet and responding to the areas of life ruled by that planet.

  2. There has been something lurking under the surface that is begging to come out. This is especially true in the case of Venus. For example, let’s just say you have been having problems with your partner but neither of you has been feeling like dealing with it or saying anything. In this case, Venus touching one of the planets in your chart will coincide with both of you being forced to deal with it once and for all.

  3. Something needs to be revised or redone. With the hustle and bustle of life, we have gotten used to rushing processes in order to produce—it’s human nature. Retrogrades bring setbacks, blockages, and obstacles that make us rethink, revise, reformulate, and redo important projects so they can actually be successful.

 This year has a huge “going within” vibe, and using these retrogrades to figure out what we really want from life is not only highly advisable, it’s necessary to come out stronger!

 Much love, astro darlings! Thank you for reading!


With deep gratitude,



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