Rituals to channel the power of October's full blue moon in Taurus

Blue moons are somewhat rare, they happen every two and a half years when there are 13 instead of 12 full moons in a calendar year. The last one occurred in January of 2018 and the next one will be in August of 2023. To add to the fascinating rarity of this year’s astrology, the blue moon happens to occur the same day as Samhain and Halloween, adding a very interesting twist to the plot of 2020!

 Full moons have always been seen as moments in time in which the astrological energy comes to a climax. They represent a time of release, when we let go of what no longer serves us in order to begin another lunar cycle with renewed intentions. Since this moon is happening on Halloween and while the sun is in Scorpio, a sign that is closely connected to the spiritual world, this blue moon is an obvious invitation to get super witchy! So basically, if you’re not performing a ritual around these days, you’re basically missing out on the mystical energy that will be floating around. 

 During the days surrounding this magical moon, however, let’s be aware that more surprises that we can digest are more likely to take place. This full moon will be sitting right next to Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. Uranus’ job is to bring change, and while some of us might resist it as much as we can due to the fixed nature of both signs involved (Taurus & Scorpio), we will have to allow ourselves to lose control in order to fully digest and appreciate what will be happening around this time—both collectively and personally.  

Painting by NARAMON

Painting by NARAMON


The very good news is that since this luminary is ruled by Venus, which is currently very strongly placed in its home sign of Libra, we can trust that some serious magic will show up for us during this time—and it will most likely involve love, relationships, and money. And the more we trust the process, the more we will be able to embrace it. Venus will be opposing the centaur of healing Chiron, and while this might make us feel uncomfortable, it does provide the opportunity for healing.

 Black Moon Lilith, newly in Taurus, is also conjunct this new moon. Although she is seven degrees away from the moon, currently at one-degree Taurus, this loose conjunction points to the rise of feminine power during this moon. Yesss! It also points to the possibility for self-indulgence, however, because in this sign, Lilith shows her power in an earthlier kind of way. 


Rituals to channel the magic of the blue full moon

-Spend time in nature, after all, Taurus is an earth sign. 

-Tune into your body: Both Taurus and Scorpio are quiet and nocturnal signs that love privacy and meditation. 

-Get a sound healing bath, Taurus is all about experiencing life through the senses and it’s a sign that loves music. I am actually doing two tonight, one with Allison Bag and another with Melisa at Inner Sound Meditation. 

-Honor your ancestors—day of the death is just around the corner, celebrated in Mexico on November 1st.


With stellar affection,



Weekly Astrology Forecast | June 14


Chasing the moon: how to use the lunar energy for successful endeavors & rituals