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April’s new moon—happening on Earth Day—is a big wakeup call! Are you listening?


Taurus New Moon Mantra:

“I build a sustainable future in conjunction with Mother Earth, I am her and she is me.”

April’s new moon is a special one. Happening in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, this moon meets the sun, also in Taurus, to bring us the message that… time’s up! This beautiful, magical place we call home, can no longer sustain the overly ambitious and capitalistic ways that humanity has put her through.

The fact that the first aspect this moon forms is a tense square with karmic Saturn could be felt like a significant and depressive reality check. But at the same time, I do think it can be taken as a huge opportunity.

Considering that Saturn was one of the planets that planted the seed of the current Covid-19 pandemic we are living in, every important Saturn transit holds a piece of the puzzle to solve our way out of this. For the past few weeks that humans have been “so inconvenienced,” we have seen Mother Earth thriving as empty roads lead to bluer skies and animals take over parks and beaches alike.

 Time Is Up! And this is going to be so obvious to us during this new moon as she heads over to meet with Uranus—the planet that recently started advocating for this planet, and that will keep doing so until 2026!  

On a personal level, what can we do to honor this energy? It’s really up to each one of us. From planting a tree to donating to a park, stop eating red meat, start composting—there are a million things each one of us can do. And what’s really cool is that, under this combination, what we begin at this time not only has staying power, it has the chance of becoming very significant in the long term.

 As I said, Saturn rules karma, so this will be a year in which we will have to backtrack a lot of the mistakes we have made as a society. After all, we have done them together, and only together we will be able to fix them.

If you feel passionate about starting a project, this is also a good time to start planning it, as well as for planting new seeds. Hard work will be involved, but if you’re willing to give it life, the steady, patient energy of the Bull will help you keep yourself invested, day after day. A fixed, earth sign, Taurus is one of the “builders” of the zodiac, and its stubborn nature is ideal to keep us engaged.

Finally, under this moon, do expect surprises in the area of your chart ruled by Taurus. Something has been waiting to be changed or liberated, and as both luminaries bring light to this part of your life, something’s got to give.


Take care, dear loves!

Ink painting made by me for this new moon.