As the first full moon lunar eclipse of the decade rises in the sky, it’s time to shed your skin

As the moon prepares to form the first full moon lunar of the decade on January 10, we may not only be very busy with endless responsibilities and day-to-day chores, we may be going through all sorts of intense feelings as certain situations reach their peak. And with reason—I am not going to lie—this is a very intense energy to welcome the new year.

This lunation is the ultimate symbol of feminine energy and a promise that, in 2020, the fight for equal gender rights will remain relevant and keep being under our radar. After all, this new year begins and ends with a Cancer full moon—the most feminine of all zodiac signs.

Sitting exactly across the current *stellium of planets in earthy, ambitious Capricorn, this moon is being heavily challenged. In that same manner, we may also feel like we are being confronted not only from one but many different directions at once. It’s intense—and while we might be under the impression that we need to act in order to release all this pent-up energy, our best option might be to chill out and cruise through this time as calm and collected as we possibly can.


In astrology, the moon represents our inner life, personal needs, as well as our subconscious mind. Positioned in Cancer, the sign it rules, only means these areas of life seem to be requiring a great deal of our attention as our emotions get highly tested within our most important relationships. If negative feelings like obsession, fear, or even loneliness come up, their hidden message is that something’s got to give—or even go. As we enter a new astrological era and begin not only one but three different cycles, a new version of ourselves is begging to emerge. But it will be impossible for it to rise to the surface as long as we remain attached—to the old ways.

The long-awaited and oh, so feared Saturn-Pluto conjunction that built up during the end of 2019 and that perfects only two days after this eclipse is all about transforming our subconscious mind (Pluto) in order to create a new structure for our lives (Saturn). Of course, these changes won’t happen overnight, but this lunar eclipse is a reminder that the clock is ticking—message brought to you by Uranus’ lightening direct turn on the same day of this eclipse—for sure, not a coincidence.

So, how to handle this intense combination of energies? Honestly, the days surrounding this eclipse are better spent alone and practicing radical self-care and focusing on giving your mind and body on releasing what no longer serves them. Since cosmic messenger, Mercury, is also involved in this configuration by also opposing the moon, we are not yet able to communicate our feelings clearly. This is definitely a day to fly solo and be kind to yourself. The answers to your questions are on their way, and you will hear them once you feel ready to do so.

Take care, loves.


*Stellium: A lineup of four or more planets positioned in the same zodiac sign. Right now, the sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all in Capricorn.  

Art by Naramon


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