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The perfect storm—the astrology of coronavirus


We are living in unprecedented times. For years, astrologers have been talking about the astrology of 2020 not only because of the great combination of the intense astrological transits but also because of their astronomical rarity.

 While there are too many of these rarities to talk about in just one article, I do want to touch on what has created the madness we are currently collectively suffering. At the forefront of this year’s astrology, we have Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter having conjunctions (meetups) with one another throughout the year, all in Capricorn. The three are slow-moving planets, so the fact that they are having all these meetups in 2020 is, indeed, very rare and more than anything, significant for us here on Earth. While Saturn rules restrictions and boundaries, Pluto rules transformation as well as death, and Jupiter rules abundance as well as magnitude; being the biggest planet in the solar system, Jupiter expands everything that it touches—Jupiter represents the world.

 On January 12, Saturn and Pluto had their very awaited conjunction, and it only makes sense that this virus was born in November-December before the peak of the aspect (in astrology, aspects are stronger before they perfect). Talk about a virus that not only kills rapidly in an extremely Plutonian way, it also separates people by having to go into quarantine for weeks and weeks. Death is Pluto’s territory, while separation is Saturn’s realm. Together, they can be a deadly combination.

 However, there happen to be other players in action, of course. In astrology, there isn’t a formula that fits all—otherwise, we would be living the same thing again and again. Just to give you an idea, World War One happened during a Saturn-Pluto conjunction, as well as the Great Depression. And while we might have similar effects under this one (the fall of the economy, etc.), the events will not be exactly the same.    

Where I want to get is to mention all the different triggers that combined, are taking humanity on this painful, eye-opening journey. While the first outbreak of the virus happened in December, back when Saturn was just two degrees away from hitting Pluto, what took this virus to the next level was Mars, also in Capricorn, forming a conjunction with the south node of the moon on February 25. Mars is the planet that rules energy, and the south node of the moon is a point of release of energy. The eloquent Sam Reynold writes in his blog: “Mars in Capricorn, its sign of exaltation (where he is the strongest) next to the south node of the moon, has created fear related to martial law, terror, and challenges to governments.” Think of 9/11, for example, which also happened under this aspect combination.

And then, of course, we had that nebulous, almost unnoticed conjunction between the sun and Neptune in Pisces. Neptune rules pandemics, as well as the dissolution of boundaries, and no one can argue against this pandemic getting completely out of hand exactly during the peak of this sun-Neptune aspect on March 7. What’s even more incredible is that, in true Neptunian form, so many of us never thought this would become so big, certainly not the governments, who would normally need to pay attention to such an important matter. It was exactly around that day that the sun, as it always does, illuminated the fact that life had just turned very freaking real.

 And now, especially as warrior Mars approaches to form a conjunction with both, Pluto and then Saturn, things are going to get intense, and as we already know, they will have to get worse before they get better. The next couple of weeks are going to be dark, especially as we experience the Libra super full moon on April 7 activating this Mars-Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto trouble party in Capricorn.

 On a personal level, we have the guidance of asteroid Chiron currently squaring the nodes of the moon, bringing deep-rooted issues to the surface. In his article for, Gray Crawford explains, “Chiron’s effect combined with the nodes of destiny will dig up deeply rooted issues that need to be profoundly felt to discern methods of mediating and healing them. Chiron in Aries will be bringing opportunities to recover whatever you have felt you needed to abandon about your essential purpose to fit in with cultural expectations. What have you been sacrificing about yourself in order to meet the material demands of society?”

 As Chiron, the Wounded Healer, activates these dark corners of our psyche (it’s also conjunct Black Moon Lilith), we are not only invited, we are forced to embrace this Saturnian isolation and Plutonian fear to be put face-to-face with the need to answer this question. The very next luminaire, the Aries new moon on March 24, will be squaring Chiron, highlighting these themes even more.  

 As the numerous structures around us collapse, we do get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sitting with the pain will make us realize that life as we knew it has changed, but don’t we need change? The really good news is this could seriously be the end of this outdated capitalism we currently live in, and as it crumbles right in front of our eyes, we should take advantage of it and start building a better future… which will only happen if we do it together.


Stay healthy, and most importantly… positive!

Art by truly yours.

I wrote predictions about how this Coronavirus situation will unfold for