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2020 astrology—vibrating to new heights

The astrology of 2020 has been quite the hot topic in astrology for already a few years. And for good reason…a new life is on the way! The year ahead is like a portal, a threshold we will cross in order to give birth to it.

At a personal level, some of these changes will be, indeed, of shocking nature and will reflect the necessary adjustments we need in order to liberate ourselves from whatever is preventing us to grow and keep moving forward.

At a bigger scale, we have been feeling some of these changes birthing in our collective consciousness for quite some time, but they won’t happen overnight. In fact, they will unfold over the next 30 years!

The reason why the astrology of 2020 is so important is because many different cycles between several important planets are coming to a head—all in a timely manner—bringing numerous new beginnings in the different facets of your lives.

Tough Love

Sorry dears, but the truth is 2020 will be a hard year for love. Why? Because it will be a BIG year for finding our own inner strength as well as forging a path towards finding our individuality.

About every two years, Venus—goddess of love—goes retrograde. Luckily, Venus retrogrades less often than any other planet, and yet in the middle of the retrograde, it comes closer to Earth than any other planet ever does, making Venus retrogrades very intense. The last Venus retrograde we experienced was in 2018. In 2020, Venus will retrograde will be going through a big retrograde loop in changeable, flirty Gemini from May 12 to June 24, 2020.

Because Gemini is one of the free spirits of the zodiac, this retrograde is set to bring the desire for freedom within relationships; meaning that there will be more than the usual number of breakups. However, the relationships that get challenged by this retrograde and survive, will become stronger (that’s the good news). For those planning a wedding, it is not advisable to get married during this time as the planet of love is not able to bless any romantic unions when she is looping backwards in the sky.

Another transit to look out for when it comes to relationships is Mars’ retrograde. Just like Venus, Mars retrogrades every two years and his close proximity to Earth also makes his retrograde loops very intense. Mars rules our sexual vitality so when he is retrograde, we have a harder time accessing its powers; making his fall retrograde (September 9-November 13) a bad time to begin a new sexual relationship.

But let’s not forget that Mars also rules ambition and drive, so during this time we will encounter situations that will prevent us from attaining our goals, and the worst thing we can do is blatantly push our agenda when the universe is clearly asking us to chill out, take a break, and patiently wait.

Do What You Love or Go Home

Saturn, the planet that rules career and responsibility will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius on March 21, where it will be reordering structures and boundaries in order to make connections, distribute information, and develop innovations. In true Uranian, innovative fashion, old concepts will be cleared away in order to give birth to more interesting and experimental processes. In 2020, collaboration will be key, because that is how the energy of Aquarius works best. A lot of companies will be upping their game when it comes to caring for the environment and implementing social reforms. Geez…it was about time.

Getting closer to the end of the year, a once-every-20-years aspect peaks as Jupiter and Saturn have their famous meeting (called the great conjunction)—also in Aquarius—on December 21. When Jupiter and Saturn come together, old forms and ways of production need to die so new beginnings can start taking shape around the overall structure of our lives.

Because Saturn rules career and responsibility, and Jupiter determines how we seek knowledge and expansion, this meet-up will bring a change in career for many of us. Luckily, this change is poised to be positive (if we put in the work) as it will aligning us closer to our true identity. Here, the mantra “do what you love” doesn’t only take incredible power, it becomes our motto for the next twenty years.

Together Jupiter and Saturn combine expansive and creative vision with the structure and discipline needed to manifest tangible results. It kicks off a 20-year period in which each of us will be pushed to take responsibility and play our unique part in building the future… together.

 It’s No Joke…Self-care Comes First

By now you are already realizing that things will be changing around us, and we will be changing too. Massive transformation will be the name of the game in 2020, and the more we are willing to work with this process, the more we will squeeze out of it.

Pluto—the planet of power and transformation—will have a huge roll in 2020. As a generational planet (yes, in astrology it is still a planet), Pluto’s transits affect all of us because Pluto rules things that are out of our control (like… the government, the elites, crime, etc.). His multiple meetups (conjunctions) with heavy-hitters Jupiter and Saturn throughout the year will bring massive change and transformation at a collective level. 

When it comes to health, this means that we will have to get real…really quick! We will have to dispose of what no longer serves us—or it will be disposed of for us. This goes from old objects to outdated habits and relationships. Think about it as a major Marie Condo your entire life has to go through. If it doesn’t bring you joy, it needs to go.

With so much in flux, now more than ever, self-care will become one of our top priorities. We will have to step into our own power, and to be able to do that, our health will need to be in prime condition. The need to have a balanced and nurtured life will be greatly highlighted throughout the year by the eclipses happening in the Cancer/Capricorn axis (January 10, June 21, and July 5).

Unlike many other astrologers, I am of the belief that 2020 is not going to be a negative year—all these changes are so necessary! The year ahead will show us that, to give birth to the best—and truly powerful—version of ourselves, we must first shed our current skin.

Like me, you are ready…you got this!