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February’s new moon in Pisces—visualize that dream and you will manifest it!

You better make room for some ritual-magic-manifesting time in your weekend calendars, babes. When a moon comes as gorgeous as the one happening on February 23, 2020, we must hear the call. This new moon in Pisces is tailor-made and just what we need during this mind-twisting Mercury retrograde (which ends March 9, btw).

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and even most of Tuesday are filled with oh-so many delicious planetary liaisons. In the opening scene we have Uranus bringing its usual excitement in the form of fun events, as well as exciting encounters with folks who, like you, are daring to dream. Then we have a super strong Mars in Capricorn, lending that helping hand by injecting us with passion to pursue a desire.

And as usual, then comes messenger Mercury to deliver that subtle but juicy piece of information. It’s during this retrograde swim in watery Pisces when Mercury can turn us up to maximum levels of intuition—however, we must dare to go deep in order to attune to it.  

Saturday will be a glorious day as it provides the highest vibrations we have not seen in a while. Why? Pisces is one of the few signs with two ruling planets, Neptune in modern and Jupiter in classical astrology. And both planets happen to be currently dancing in an opportune sextile angle to infuse us with a rare and inspirational magic that can easily turn disillusions and yearning into realities and a clear vision for the future.

Want more? Pleasure goddess Venus is also performing in Pisces’ feature film to put the icing on the cake by connecting with Jupiter by a square (an aspect that only happens twice this year). Creativity, fun, generosity, luxury, charm, and of course indulgence, are some of the keywords here. This Saturday, seat by the water to meditate as you visualize yourself attaining that dream. Imagine yourself basking in that glory, write, make a collage, get visual in any way you can. Pisces is the dreamer and wants you to delight and lose yourself in these running waters of inspiration.

Pro tip: Once the moon gains light on Monday, February 24, externalize your intention by making a small step towards that dream. As Earth’s satellite, the moon is the carrier of hopes and desires and can only do so once she’s reflecting some of the sun’s light.

The astrological house ruled by Pisces in your natal chart holds the key to know where exactly to focus this potent energy. However, your sun sign can also provide clues—I spoke to Nina Kahn from Bustle about what each zodiac sign should expect—the luckiest ones being Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Aries.

Ciao, lovies

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